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The Safety of Sodium Benzoate

               by Joanne Carr, RHN, BA

               It is interesting how in the natural health field just one published report can produce a panic and a host of
               misinformation and misunderstanding. Last year, a report on a UK website about the preservative sodium
               benzoate created a firestorm of fear here in Canada which continues today. What was not stated in this
               UK report was the fact that many plants naturally produce benzoic acid as an intermediate in the
               formation of other compounds (Goodwin, 1976) and that most of us are ingesting sodium benzoate daily
               in our foods. It is naturally present in common foods (review in Sieber et al., 1989, 1990) as outlined in
               the chart below:

                                          Type of Food              Amount Present
                                              Milk                  Traces – 6 mg/kg
                                            Cheese                 Traces – 40 mg/kg
                                             Fruits                Traces – 14 mg/kg
                                     Potatoes, beans, cereals      Traces – 0.2 mg/kg
                                         Soya flour, nuts             1.2-11 mg/kg

               Sodium benzoate, occurring naturally as benzoic acid, is found in cranberries, blueberries, prunes and
               plums, cinnamon, ripe cloves, and apples, just to name a few. In fact, the amounts present in healthy
               fruits may actually exceed the maximum limit allowed to be added to products as a preservative (0.1%, by
               weight), with no known toxicity up to 647-825 mg/kg of body weight per day (1,2).  Benzoic acid and
               Vitamin C are both found commonly together in nature.  While it is possible to form benzene as a result of
               a chemical reaction between benzoic acid and vitamin C, we should really be concerned with the quantity
               of benzene being consumed and not on its mere presence. In other words we should be more concerned
               with how much is present as minute quantities are not harmful and occur naturally in fruits and vegetables
               as nature intended; to preserve freshness.

               For over 100 years, sodium benzoate has been used largely as a preservative in the soft drink industry
               and is widely used as a preservative in pickles, sauces, and fruit juices, as well as for liquid herbal
               preparations. (Srour, 1998).

               Alcohol free liquid health products require preservatives in order to prevent bacteria, mold and other
               forms of contamination. Omega Alpha is committed to using only safe preservatives that will keep our
               products free from undesirable microbiological activity. Natural preservatives do not completely preserve
               liquids, therefore we use preservatives like potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate (often a blend of the
               two at 0.01%, far below the daily limit for each) to safely preserve our liquid products.

               Omega Alpha has manufactured liquid nutraceuticals to GMP standards since our inception in 1992, long
               before all companies were required to do so by the Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) of Health
               Canada. Additionally, we test all of our raw ingredients before, during and after manufacturing to ensure
               the health and safety of our consumers.

               1.  Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 26: BENZOIC ACID AND SODIUM BENZOATE
               2.  Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert Panel Bindu Nair (2001). "Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Benzyl
               Alcohol, Benzoic Acid, and Sodium Benzoate". Int J Tox (20 (Suppl. 3)): 23-50.

               With over 10 years experience in the holistic health field, Joanne Carr R.H.N., B.A., is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist who has
               lectured at natural health product seminars for retailers and consumers across Canada. She also contributes to various natural
               health publications.

                                    OASIS is an acronym for Omega Alpha Scientific Institute of Supplements

                                          A division of Omega Alpha Pharmaceuticals Inc., Toronto, Canada

               Safety of Sodium Benzoate  © 2008 Omega Alpha Pharmaceuticals Inc.                   OASIS08001